Naraghosha Nivarana Mantra
Naraghosha Nivaran Mantra | Remedies For naradrishti Nara Ghosha is caused by negative thoughts of others that is been mainly focussed on you and your family. As per Hindu mythology power of their mental energy in the form of thought / focuses in the form sight/ jealous in the form of speech may be on our growth, prosperity and our looks directly. TDL Bhakti Ragam provides you the remedies and prevention of Nara Ghosha. Also find out how to remove Drishti problems. Nara Ghosha or Nara Drishti , it is caused by negative thoughts of people. According to Hindu mythology power of their mental energy in the form of thought focuses in the form sight jealous on the growth, prosperity of anyone looks directly or indirectly is Dist. Rock salt and red chillies are also used to prevent Nara Ghosha by turning thrice around the baby or person and throwing the salt and red chillies out.It is believed that the the Nara Ghosha will be gone.Nara Ghosha Nivaran Mantra has the ...